Acalypha lanceolata - Toothed Bract Indian Copperleaf

Acalypha lanceolata - Toothed Bract Indian Copperleaf

Binomial Name : Acalypha lanceolata Willd.
 Synonym : Acalypha boehmerioides
 Family : Euphorbiaceae
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Acalypha lanceolata Botanical Description

Annual herbs. Leaves alternate, 3-5 cm long, broadly ovate, nearly triangular, rather coarsely toothed; petiole to 4 cm long. Spikes axillary, erect, sessile or peduncled and androgynous, 1.5-8 cm long, nearly glabrous or finely pubescent. Three-fourth of the spikes is occupied by female bracts and the male flowers are clustered only at the one-fourth upper portion. Bracts number about 18-20, campanulate to subcampanulate or cup- shaped, folded, 3-4 mm across, crenate-dentate, shallowly dentate or conspicuously 9 to 12-toothed with acute teeth along margins, pubescent, strongly parallel-veined, and gland-dotted. Fl. &Fr.: August-September.

Acalypha lanceolata Medicinal uses

The leaves are applied as an antiseptic on boils and swellings
 The whole plant is used to relieve headache
 The plant is used as a vermicide and a carminative, and is also applied to sores

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