Polygala arvensis - Field Milkwort

Polygala arvensis Medicinal uses

❏ Binomial Name : Polygala arvensis Willd.
❏ Family : Polygalaceae
❏ Common Name :  Field Milkwort
❏ Tamil Name :  Milakunankai, Chankankolakacceti, Chankankolakam, Chitaninankai
❏ Hindi Name : Mirdoi, Sanjivani
❏ IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Polygala arvensis Botanical Description

Decumbent herbs. Leaves subsessile, linear-tanceolate, elliptic, ovate or oblanceolate, mucronate, lateraf veins indistinct, pubescent, to 3 x 0 8 cm. Inflorescence in axillary or terminal, bifurcate lax racemes, rarely subcapitate, 3-15 flowered, sometimes solitary, about 5-20 mm long. Flowers yellow; wing sepals oblique, pubescent Lateral petals orbicular Ovary ciliate; style hooked at apex; stigma lateral. Capsule asymmetric, ciliate; seeds brownish-black, oblong, villous; caruncle toothed; appendages minute. Fl. & Fr.: June-December.

Polygala arvensis Medicinal uses

❀ Infusion of the leaves is prescribed in asthma, chronic bronchitis and catarrhal affections.
❀ The root possesses antiseptic properties; reported to be used for fever and dizziness

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