Curcuma pseudomontana - Hill Turmeric
Binomial Name : Curcuma pseudomontana J.Graham
Synonym : Curcuma grahamiana,Curcuma ranadei
Family : Zingiberaceae
Common Name : Hill Turmeric
Tamil Name : Kattu manjal
Hindi Name : Kachura
IUCN status: Vulnerable (VU)
Curcuma pseudomontana Description
Herb, simple, with entire and slightly wavy margin, growing clustered from ground level, Inflorescence spike rising from plant base, from - among the leaf stalks. Flowering spikes seen in the center of the previously formed tuft of leaves, 10-25 cm long, bearing numerous compactly arranged flowers; flowering bracts conspicuous, inverted eggshaped to lancelike, 3-5 x l.5-2,cm, apex rounded to acute, hairless; gr,een with a pinktip. Flowers 2-4 in each fertile bract, bright yellow, 3 cm long and 4 cm broad. Capsules spherical, splitting by 3-valves, smooth. Seeds ovoid or oblong, usually covered with arils. Flowering: June-Septermber.
Curcuma pseudomontana Medicinal uses
- Tubers used to cure jaundice.
- Apply tuber paste on the head for cooling effect.
- Eat boiled tubers to increase lactation.