Cadaba fruticosa - Indian cadaba
❏ Binomial Name : Cadaba fruticosa (L.) Druce
❏ Synonym : Cadaba indica, Cleome fruticosa
❏ Family : Capparaceae
❏ Common Name : Indian cadaba
❏ Tamil Name : Vizhuthi
❏ Hindi Name : Kodhab, Dabi, Kadhab
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated
Cadaba fruticosa Botanical Description
Shrubs. Leaves simple, 1.5-4 x 1-2 cm, oblong, slightly pubescent; petioles up to 0.5 cm. Racemes few flowered, greenish-white; sepals 2 + 2, 1 x 05. cm, obovate; petals 4, 1.5 cm long, clawed, to 0.4 mm, disc prominent, infundibuliformis, lateral to the gynandrophore, long hairy; stamens 4, exserted; ovary one celled, many ovuled, stigma sessile, clavate, hairy. Berry 4 x 0.5 cm, globose; seeds globose. Flowering and fruiting: Throughout the year.
Cadaba fruticosa Medicinal Uses
❀ The leaves of Cadaba fruticosa used as a poultice to promote healing of sores.❀ The leaf and fruit are used to treat worm infestation, swellings, eczema and constipation.
❀ The juice of the leaves is especially used to cure gonorrhoes.