Indigofera aspalathoides - Wiry Indigo

Aspalathus indica, Indigofera aspalathifolia

Binomial Name : Indigofera aspalathoides DC.
 Synonym : Aspalathus indica, Indigofera aspalathifolia
 Family : Leguminosae
 Common Name : Wiry Indigo
 Tamil Name : Shivanarvembu
 Hindi Name : 
 IUCN Status : Not Evaluated

Indigofera aspalathoides Botanical Description

Subshrub, much branched; young stems appressed-pubescent with white hairs, later glabrescent; stipules minute, setaceous; leaves sessile, digitate, subfasciculate, 1-5-foliolate; leaflets linear to obovate, often involute, 1 mm wide or less, obtuse at the apex, cuneate at the base, glabrous above, sparsely appressed-pubescent beneath; flowers about 5-6 mm long, solitary, axillary, on pedicels about 5 mm long; bracts minute, setaceous; calyx 1-1.5 mm long with deltoid lobes, sparsely pubescent; petals reddish; fruit linear, straight, 5-15 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, sparsely pubescent, 3-8-seeded. Fl. &Fr.: June-December.

Indigofera aspalathoides Medicinal uses

Leaves, flowers and tender shoots are employed in decoction as a cooling and demulcent drink and in elephantiasis, leprosy and cancer, and as an alternative in secondary syphilis etc.
 Root is chewed for toothache and aphthae.
 The whole plant rubber with butter is applied to reduce oedematous tumours. 
 The whole plant is an ingredient of an oil preparation used in the treatment of wounds, burns, ulcers, various skin diseases, including leprosy

Indigofera aspalathoides Photos

Aspalathus indica, Indigofera aspalathifolia

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