Derris scandens - Malay Jewelvine

Brachypterum scandens,Dalbergia timoriensis,Millettia litoralis

Binomial Name : Derris scandens (Roxb.)Benth.
 Synonym : Brachypterum scandens,Dalbergia timoriensis,Millettia litoralis 
 Family : Leguminosae
 Common Name : Malay Jewelvine
 Tamil Name : Kodi punku
 Hindi Name : Gonj, Tup-bel 
 IUCN Status : Not Evaluated

Derris scandens Botanical Description

Large climbing shrub; branchlets brown, lenticellate. Leaflets 5-11, 2-5 x 1-2.5 cm, elliptic, lanceolate or ovate-oblong, base rounded to cuneate, apex obtuse, acute, sometimes emarginate, subcoriaceous; lateral nerves 7-9 pairs, slender. Racemes axillary, 8-25 cm long, with flowers clustered on brown-pubescent rachis. Flowers 7-9 mm long; pedicels c. 4 mm long, slender. Calyx 2.5-3 mm long, shortly adpressed tomentose, lobes obscure. Petals pink or white; standard 7-8 mm long; ovate-orbicular. Stamens 10, alternate ones short. Pods 2.5-6.5 x 1-1.4 cm, oblong, narrowly winged on the upper suture, minutely adpressed tomentose, 2-4-seeded. Seeds c. 8 mm long, reniform, compressed, dark brown. Fl. &Fr.: June-December.

Derris scandens Medicinal uses

The stems are diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant and laxative. They are used in the treatment of the common cold and backache
 Both stems and roots are used in the treatment of osteoarthritis
 The root is used to increase milk secretion after childbirth; it is crushed with or without water and the juice is given orally

Derris scandens Photos

Brachypterum scandens,Dalbergia timoriensis,Millettia litoralis
Brachypterum scandens,Dalbergia timoriensis,Millettia litoralis

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