Pavonia odorata - Fragrant Pavonia

Pavonia odorata, Diplopenta odorata

❏ Binomial Name : Pavonia odorata Willd.
❏ Synonym : Diplopenta odorata
❏ Family : Malvaceae
❏ Common Name : Fragrant Pavonia
❏ Tamil Name : Peramutti, Avibattam
❏ Hindi Name : Sugandhabala 
❏ IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Pavonia odorata  Botanical Description

Sub-shrubs, viscid tomentose. Leaves orbicular-ovate, acute, 3-7 -nerved from usually cordate base, distantly toothed, to 5 X 5 3 cm. Epicalyx segments 10-15, Flowers axillary, solitary, long-pedicelled; involucral bracts 10-12, 7-8 mm long, linear, ciliate; calyx 5-lobed, 2 mm long, ovate; corolla to 25 mm across, white; staminal tube short, oblique, anthers with long filaments; ovary 5-celled, ovule 1 in each cell, style 10-fid above; stigma capitate. Fruit A globose schizocarp, Mericarps 5, 3 x 2 mm, trigonous, smooth. Fl. & Fr.: August-February

Pavonia odorata  Medicinal uses

❀ To treat conditioning and soothing of skin, to prevent common infection.
❀ In dysentery, inflammation, intestinal bleeding, increasing the secretion of gastric juices, reducing fever and as a tonic (root); rheumatism (plant).

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