Phyla nodiflora - Creeping Lip Plant

Phyla nodiflora - Creeping Lip Plant

Binomial Name : Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene.
 Synonym : Verbena nodiflora,Lippia nodiflora,Zappania nodiflora
 Family : Verbenaceae
 Common Name : Creeping Lip Plant
 Tamil Name : Podutalei
 Hindi Name : Jalpapli
 IUCN status: Least Concern

Phyla nodiflora Botanical Description

Prostrate herbs, rooting at nodes. Leaves 1-3 x 0.8-1.5 cm, obovate-spathulate or oblanceolate, sometimes elliptic or cuneiform, base cuneate, margin sharply serrate above the middle, apex rounded or obtuse, fleshy, glabrescent to appressed pubescent; petiole to 8 mm long, decurrent. Flowers 5-merous, sessile, aggregated in axillary, globose-capitate or elongate, cylindric, stalked spikes, 1-2.5 cm long when mature and 6-9 mm across; peduncle solitary in eachaxil, 1.5-6 cm long. Bracts small, closely imbricate, obovate. Calyx cupular, aboutequalling the corolla tube, deeply 2-cleft; lobes lanceolate. Corolla pink to white, 2-2.5 mm long, salver-form, 2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed, emarginate, lower 3-lobed. Stamens 4, included. Drupe c. 2 mm long, enclosing two, 1-celled pyrenes. Fl. &Fr.: November-December

Phyla nodiflora Medicinal uses

The plant is anodyne, antibacterial, astringent, carminative, deobstruent, diuretic, emmenagogue, emollient, febrifuge, parasiticide and refrigerant
 An infusion is drunk as a post-partum tonic
 The juice of the plant is cooling and is used to relieve minor gastric troubles, fevers, coughs and colds
 A paste or poultice is also applied to swollen cervical glands, to erysipelas, burns, and to chronic indolent ulcers
 The juice of the root is used in the treatment of gastric troubles

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