Sphaeranthus indicus - Indian globe flower

Sphaeranthus indicus - Indian globe flower

Binomial Name : Sphaeranthus indicus L.
 Synonym : Sphaeranthus hirtus,Sphaeranthus mollis
 Family : Compositae
 Common Name : Indian globe flower
 Tamil Name : Kottai karantai
 Hindi Name : Chhagul Nudi, Gorakhmundi
 IUCN status: Least Concern

Sphaeranthus indicus Botanical Description

Diffuse aromatic herbs; stems with toothed wings. Leaves alternate, 3-4 x 1-2 cm, oblanceolate, obtuse at apex, decurrent to stem at base, spinulose serrate, hispid. Heads in globose spikes, numerous, densely packed; spikes to 1 cm across, peduncles winged; bracts 2-types, basal bracts of the spike ovate, obtuse; bracts of each head lanceolate, ciliate. Flowers two types, few; outer female, inner bisexual, all tubular; corolla 5-lobed, pink; lobes acute; anthers tailed at base. Achenes angular, glabrous; pappus absent. Fl. &Fr.: January-April.

Sphaeranthus indicus Medicinal uses

Grind the root bark. Add half tsp of the powder in a glass of buttermilk. Drink it twice a day to cure Piles

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