Trichodesma indicum - Indian Borage

Trichodesma indicum - Indian Borage

Binomial Name : Trichodesma indicum (L.) Lehm.
 Synonym : Borago indica,Pollichia indica,Trichodesma spinulosum
 Family : Boraginaceae
 Common Name : Indian Borage
 Tamil Name : Kaasithumbai
 Hindi Name : Chota kulpha
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Trichodesma indicum Botanical Description

Scabrous herbs. Leaves opposite and alternate, 4-5 x 0.5-1 cm, linear-oblong, apex obtuse, base auricled, scabrous. Flowers solitary, axillary or in lax racemes; pedicels 1 cm, hairy; calyx lobes 8 mm long, acuminate, sagitate, hairy, one nerved; corolla salver shaped, 9 mm long, lobes acuminate; anthers united, pubescent at base and outside, connective 5 mm; ovary 4 lobed, style 5 mm. Fl. &Fr.: February-August.

Trichodesma indicum Medicinal uses

A cold water infusion of the leaves is depurative
 The leaves and roots are used as remedy for snake bites
 The root is pounded, mixed with water and given to children as a treatment for dysentery
 The root is pounded and made into a paste which is applied as a poultice to reduce swellings, especially of the joints

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