Azima tetracantha - Needle Bush
❏ Binomial Name : Azima tetracantha Lam.
❏ Synonym : Azima spinosissima, Azima nova, Azima angustifolia
❏ Family : Salvadoraceae
❏ Common Name : Needle Bush, Mistletoe Berrythorn
❏ Tamil Name : Sugam Cheddi, Sangilai
❏ Hindi Name : Kanta-gur-kamai, Kantagur-kamai
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated
Azima tetracantha Botanical Description
Rambling shrubs; spine axillary, usually 4, straight, to 2.5 cm, grooved, branchlets tetragonous, pubescent. Leaves opposite, 3 x 2 cm, ovate, mucronate, base obtuse, margin thickened, coriaceous, nerves 3 pairs near the base; petiole to 5 mm. Spike axillary and terminal, to 10 cm long; flowers clustered, white, unisexual; bracts 2 x 1 mm, ovate, mucronate, pubescent; calyx 1 mm, campanulate, bilobed, pubescent; petals 4, 2 x 1 mm, oblong; stamens 4, free, alternating with petals, filaments 1 mm, anthers 1 mm, pistillode absent. Fl. &Fr.: August-September
Azima tetracantha Medicinal uses
❀ The sap of the plant is applied directly to treat toothache and bleeding gums after tooth extraction and also as a disinfectant.
❀ The root bark is used in the treatment of rheumatism.
❀ The leaf juice is used in the treatment of asthma and coughs caused by phthisis.
❀ The pickled leaves are used as an appetizer and against colds.
❀ The crushed leaves are applied directly to painful teeth, whilst the leaf juice is applied to the ears to treat earaches.