Boerhavia diffusa - Red hogweed

Boerhavia diffusa - Red hogweed

Binomial Name : Boerhavia diffusa L.
 Synonym : Boerhavia repens,Boerhavia procumbens
 Family : Nyctaginaceae
 Common Name : Red hogweed, Tar Vine, Red Spiderling
 Tamil Name : Mukkurttaikkoti
 Hindi Name : Punarnava, Satha 
 IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Boerhavia diffusa Botanical Description

Herbs with long trailing branches; stem reddish, tomentose. Leaves unequal, ovate, obtuse, undulate along margins, truncate to subcordate at base, tomentose; petiole to 1 cm long. Flowers 4 mm long, 4-10 together, in axillary or terminal, peduncled umbels; bracts 5, ovate, glandular, perianth pink, stamens 3, capsule 3 x 1 mm, clavate, 5-ribbed, glandular. Fl. &Fr.:  August-December.

Boerhavia diffusa Medicinal uses

A decoction of the leaves is used to treat jaundice
 The leaves are used in a cataplasm for treating indurated liver
 The boiled roots are applied to ulcers, abscesses and to assist in the extraction of Guinea worm

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