Celosia spicata - Wheat Celosia

Celosia spicata - Wheat Celosia

Binomial Name : Celosia spicata Spreng.
 Synonym : Celosia argentea var. argentea, Celosia argentea var. spicata
 Family : Amaranthaceae
 Common Name : Flamingo Feathers
 Tamil Name : Pannaipoo
 Hindi Name : Lalmurga 
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Celosia spicata Botanical Description

Annual erect herbs, simple or with many ascending branches. Leaves 2-15 x 0.1-3.2 cm, lanceolate-oblong to narrowly linear, acute to obtuse, shortly mucronate with the excurrent midrib, glabrous; lamina of the leaves from the centre of the main stem tapering below into an indistinctly demarcated, slender petiole, to 2 cm long; upper and branch leaves smaller, markedly reducing. Inflorescence a dense many-flowered spike, 2.5-20 x 1.5-2.2 cm, white to pink, terminal on the stem and branches, peduncle up to c. 20 cm long; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate or the lower deltoid, 3-5 mm, hyaline, more or less aristate with the excurrent midrib, persistent. Perianth segments 6-10 mm, narrowly elliptic-oblong, acute to rather blunt, shortly mucronate, margins hyaline. Filaments very delicate, free part subequalling or exceeding the staminal sheath, sinuses rounded with very minute intermediate teeth; anthers and filaments creamy to magenta. Ovary 4-8-ovulate, style filiform, 5-7 mm long; stigmas 2-3, very short. Capsule 3-4 mm, ovoid to globose; seeds c. 1.25-1.5 mm, lenticular, black, shining, very finely reticulate. Fl. &Fr.: November-December.

Celosia spicata Medicinal uses

The flowers and seed are astringent, haemostatic, ophthalmic, parasiticide and poultice
 It is used in the treatment of diarrhoea, bloodshot eyes, blurring of vision, cataracts and hypertension, but should not be used by people with glaucoma because it dilates the pupils
 The seeds are widely used in India for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
 The leaves are used in the treatment of infected sores, wounds and skin eruptions
 The roots are used in the treatment of colic, gonorrhoea and eczema

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