Ctenolepis garcini - Garcen's Bur Cucumber

Ctenolepis garcini - Garcen's Bur Cucumber

Binomial Name : Ctenolepis garcini (L.) C.B.Clarke.
 Synonym : Blastania garcinii, Bryonia garcinii,Bryonia triloba
 Family : Cucurbitaceae
 Common Name : Garcen's Bur Cucumber
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Ctenolepis garcini Botanical Description

Slender, much branched, glabrous to shortly hispid climbers. Leaves simple, alternate,1.5-5.5 x 2-6.5 cm, reniform in outline, very deeply, palmately 3-5- lobed, deeply cordate, lobes obtuse, coarsely serrate-dentate, shortly hispid-scabrid on both surfaces; petiole 1.5-4.5 cm long, shortly hirsute becoming hispid-scabrid with age, bearing in axil a large stipuliform, long-coarsely-ciliate, shortly pubescent, Flowers small, with male racemes very short, concealed by bract; bract up to 0.8 x 0.5 cm, with filiform cilia up to 0.5 cm long. Calx lobes 1 mm long. Stamens 3. Female flowers also concealed by bract, as in male. Fruit 5 mm long, 8 x 6 mm across, subglabrous, minutely verrucose; seeds 2-3. Fl. &Fr.:  December-January.

Ctenolepis garcini Medicinal uses

Seeds Used to heal cuts, boils and wounds

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