Cynanchum viminale - Milk rope

Cynanchum viminale - Milk rope

Binomial Name : Cynanchum viminale (L.) L.
 Synonym : Euphorbia viminalis,Sarcostemma acidum,Asclepias acida
 Family : Apocynacaeae
 Common Name : Milk rope
 Tamil Name : Khir khimp
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Cynanchum viminale Botanical Description

Stem cylindrical, 3-7 mm in diameter, green, glabrous, internodes 10-20 cm long. Flowers sweet-scented in sessile many-flowered terminal umbels. Pedicels 6-12 mm long, pubescent. Bracts minute, linear-lanceolate. Sepals 5, 1-1.5 mm long, subacute, margin membranous, glandular inside near the base. Corolla campanulate, pale greenish white, divided almost to the base, lobes c.5 mm long, ovate-oblong, subacute. Outer corona crenately 10-lobed, lobes of the inner corona thick, fleshy obtuse, longer than the staminal column and concealing the anther. Staminal column very short. Pollen-masses compressed, clavate. Follicles 10-13 cm x 8 mm, lanceolate, tapering at both ends, slightly diverging when 2 together. Seeds 3-6 mm long, flattened ovate. Coma 1.8 cm long. Fl. &Fr.: August-May.

Cynanchum viminale Medicinal uses

Plant extract is given in digestive disorders.
 Plant paste is applied on fractured bone.

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