Elytraria acaulis - Asian Scalystem

Elytraria acaulis - Asian Scalystem

Binomial Name : Elytraria acaulis (L.f.) Lindau.
 Synonym : Elytraria crenata,Tubiflora acaulis,Justicia acaulis
 Family : Acanthaceae
 Common Name : Asian Scalystem
 Tamil Name : Pumikatampam
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Elytraria acaulis Botanical Description

Stemless perennial herb with one to several unbranched flowering stems, up to 30 cm. Stems are covered with overlapping bracts, hence the common name. Leaves occur in a rosette at the base. They are obovate, 4-10 cm long. Flowers are obrne in spikes held in tight, overlapping bracts. Bracts and flowering stem bluish green. Flowers are white, lower lip and lateral lobes spreading, 2-lobed. This plant is often found on often on rocky or sandy soils.

Elytraria acaulis Medicinal uses

Whole plant infusion used as fever
 Juice of leaves after warming of slightly 3-4 drops are poured into ear in case of earche

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