Hyptis suaveolens - American Mint

Hyptis suaveolens - American Mint

Binomial Name : Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit.
 Synonym : Ballota suaveolens,Mesosphaerum suaveolens
 Family : Lamiaceae
 Common Name : American Mint 
 Hindi Name : Vilaiti Tulsi
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Hyptis suaveolens Botanical Description

Shrubs, to 1.5 m high; stem obtusely 4-angular, viscous hairy. Leaves simple, opposite, to 7 x 5 cm, ovate, acute, hispid below, glabrate above; lateral nerves 5-7 pairs; petole to 3 cm long. Flowers in axillary short cymose racemes. Calyx tube 8 mm long, tubular, 10-ribbed, glandular hairy, teeth spinulose, 4 mm long. Corolla 5 mm long, lobes short, glabrous inside, blue. Stamens 4, declinate, filaments free, pubescent; anthers confluent. Ovary 4-partite; style subentire. Nutlets 4 x 2.5 mm, oblong, compressed, with a ridge on dorsal surface, pubescent, deep brown, mucilaginous when wet. Fl. &Fr.: August-February.

Hyptis suaveolens Medicinal uses

Leaves are used as vegetable.It has got medicinal value also specially. It considered for liver & skin deseases.
 A decoction of the root is said to be emmenagogic, and a stimulant if employed in rheumatism
 The juice of leaves is applied daily between the toes as a treatment for athlete's foot
 The leaf paste is applied on sores and fungal skin infections

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