Martynia annua - Devil's claw

Martynia annua - Devil's claw

Binomial Name : Martynia annua L.
 Synonym : Carpoceras longiflora,Martynia pallida,Vatkea diandra
 Family : Martyniaceae
 Common Name : Devil's claw
 Tamil Name : Tet kotukki, Puli-nakam
 Hindi Name : Hatha-jori
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Martynia annua Botanical Description

Erect subshrubs to 1 m tall, glandular-hairy all over. Leaves 8-20 x 6-19 cm, broadly ovate to suborbicular, base cordate, margin sinuate-dentate, apex acute, chartaceous, palmately 5-nerved from base; petiole 8-14 cm long. Racemes 7-14- flowered, at the bifurcations of the branches; peduncle 4-8 cm long; pedicel 1-2 cm long; bracts 1-2 x 0.7-1 cm, broadly ovate, pale pink. Calyx lobes 5, greenish-white, 9-12 mm long; ovate-oblong. Corolla reddish-purple with yellow throat; tube 3-4 cm long; lobes rounded. Stamens 2; filaments white, c. 1 cm long; anther cells disjunct, superposed, longitudinally coherent with the opposite pair; staminodes 3. Fruits drupaceous, ovoid, flattened somewhat dorso-ventrally, ribbed, viscid-pubescent; endocarp 2-3 cm long, hard, black, with a hooked spine at tip. Fl. &Fr.:  July-August.

Martynia annua Medicinal uses

Leaf used in epilepsy, also applied to tuberculous glands of the neck.
 The essential oil from the plant moderately inhibited passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in animals.

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