Morinda coreia - Indian mulberry

Morinda coreia - Indian mulberry

Binomial Name : Morinda coreia Buch.-Ham.
 Synonym : Morinda tinctoria,Morinda exserta,Morinda pubescens
 Family : Rubiaceae
 Common Name : Indian mulberry
 Tamil Name : Nuna
 Hindi Name : Achi
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Morinda coreia Botanical Description

Deciduous trees, to 12 m high, bark pale brown, thick, vertically fissured and irregularly cracked; blaze turmeric yellow. Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; stipules interpetiolar, connate, sheathing, bifid at apex; petiole 5-20 mm long, stout, pubescent, grooved above, glabrous; lamina 7.5-25 x 2-8 cm, elliptic-lanceolate, oblanceolate or elliptic-oblong, base acute, cuneate or attenuate, apex acute to acuminate, margin entire, pubescent or tomentose, chartaceous; lateral nerves 7-12 pairs, pinnate, prominent; intercostae reticulate, slender; domatia present. Flowers bisexual, white, in terminal, globose heads; calyx limb truncate; corolla 2 cm long; tube 1 mm long, villous within; lobes 4, oblong, recurved; stamens 4, attached to the throat of corolla; anthers exserted; ovary 1.5 mm, 2-celled or incompletely 4-celled, inferior; style 4 mm; stigma 2 lobed. Fruit a syncarp, 15-18 mm across, globose, pyrenes 4, oblong; seeds not winged. Fl. &Fr.: March-June.

Morinda coreia Medicinal uses

The wood is light and strong, therefore preferred for making parts of the plough.
 The bark of the root is used for dyeing items red or yellow
 The fruit can be fermented with molasses to make a liquid manure

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