Abutilon indicum - Indian Mallow

Abutilon asiaticum, Sida indica, Beloere cistiflora

❏ Binomial Name : Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet
❏ Synonym : Abutilon asiaticum, Sida indica, Beloere cistiflora
❏ Family : Malvaceae
❏ Common Name : Indian Mallow
❏ Tamil Name : Thuthi
❏ Hindi Name : Kanghi
❏ IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Abutilon indicum Botanical Description:

Shrubs; stem terete, green, densely clothed with minutely short stellate-pubescent and simple hairs. Leaves, ovate-orbicular, base cordate, margins crenate-dentate, apex acute, 5-7-nerved from base, velvety, sparsely stellate-hairy above, glaucous beneath with dense stellate indumentum; petioles 2-6 cm long; stipules up to 4 mm long, linear. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicels 4-5 cm long, jointed very near the top. Calyx tube 4 mm long; lobes 5,        ovate, pubescent with minute stellate hairs, apex acuminate. Corolla, orangish-yellow ; petals 5, 1 x 1.2 cm, obovate, rounded or emarginate at apex. Staminal column 6 mm long, antheriferous at apex. Ovary 4 mm across, globose, densely pubescent with silvery white hairs; styles 15-20, to 1 cm long; stigma capitate. Schizocarp to 1.2 x 2 cm, globular with a flattened apex; mericarps 15-20, to 12 x 9 mm, reniform, flattened, densely stellate-hairy, upper part rounded mucronate, blackish when mature. Seeds to 3 mm long, ovoid or reniform, warty, black. Fl. & Fr: September-April.

Abutilon indicum Medicinal uses:

❀ Decoction of Abutilon indicum Extremely good Blood purifier and can cure bleeding piles
❀ A decoction of the flowers is used to treat fever, colic, and for cleaning wounds and ulcers
❀ A paste made of the leaves or seeds is applied to wounds, boils and ulcers

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