Corchorus aestuans - East Indian Mallow

Corchorus acutangulus, Corchorus campestris, Corchorus oppositiflorus

❏ Binomial Name : Corchorus aestuans L.
❏ Synonym : Corchorus acutangulus, Corchorus campestris, Corchorus oppositiflorus
❏ Family : Malvaceae
❏ Common Name : East Indian Mallow, Jute
❏ Tamil Name : Perumpinnakkukkirai, Punaku
❏ Hindi Name : Chonch, Hade-ka-khet
❏ IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Corchorus aestuans Botanical Description

Annual, spreading herbs; stems pilose, often reddish. Leaves, ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, base rounded, margins serrate, the basal pair of serrations ending in setae or not, apex acute, basally 3-5-nerved; petioles upto 3 cm long; stipules 4-8 mm long, setaceous. Flowers 2-3 in leaf-opposed, shortly pedunculate cymes; pedicels 2 mm long. Sepals 5, 3-4 mm long, linear-oblong, hooded and apiculate. Petals 5, yellow, 3-5 mm long, obovate, obtuse. Stamens many. Ovary 2 mm long, cylindric, 3-loculed; style 3-fid; stigma 2-lobed. Capsules, 6-angled, 3 of the angles winged, 3-loculed. Seeds numerous, dark brown. Fl. & Fr.: August-February.

Corchorus aestuans Medicinal uses

❀ A good quality fibre is obtained from the bark. it is used for making string
❀ The roots and leaves are said to cure gonorrhea and used in making an injection for urethral discharge.
❀ The seeds are stomachic and used in pneumonia
❀ The whole plant is said to possess anticancer, antipyretic and anticonvulsant activity
used as tonic, stomachic, purgative, in fever and in obstruction of the abdominal viscera

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