Capparis divaricata - Spreading Caper

Capparis stylosa, Capparis horrida

❏ Binomial Name : Capparis divaricata Lam.
❏ Synonym : Capparis stylosa, Capparis horrida
❏ Family : Capparaceae
❏ Common Name : Spreading Caper
❏ Tamil Name : Turatti
❏ Sanskrit Name : Pakhoda
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Capparis divaricata Botanical Description:

Small trees, appressed grey stellate-pubescent; branchlets smooth Stipular spines divaricate, straight or recurved Petiole 08 cm long: blade linear-oblong to elliptic-ovate. Outer sepals connate in bud, elliptic, concave, 1 3 X 0.8 cm. inner neatly as long as petals Petals oblong, rounded to acuminate at apex, to 35 X 1 2 cm. Stamens many, purplish at base Gynophore glabrous, to I .5-2 5 cm; ovary conical, glabrous except for stigma. Berry globose, 4 cm across, beaked, rugose, often ribbed, red at maturity.Fl. & Fr.: March-November

Capparis divaricata Medicinal uses:

The fruits, roots, and seeds of Capparis have been used traditionally as antirheumatic,tonic, expectorant, antispasmodic and analgesic agents in Turkey and other countries.

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