Nymphaea pubescens - Water Lily

Nymphaea lotus var. pubescens

❏ Binomial Name : Nymphaea pubescens Willd.
❏ Synonym : Nymphaea lotus var. pubescens
❏ Family : Nymphaeaceae
❏ Common Name : Water Lily 
❏ Tamil Name : Allitamarai, Vellambal
❏ Hindi Name : Koka
❏ IUCN status: Least Concern

Nymphaea pubescens Botanical Description

Perennial floating herbs with rhizomatous stems. Leaves 14-28 x 8-26 cm, orbicular, sagittate to cordate, sharply sinuate-toothed densely hairy on the lowerside,. flowers are 5-15 cm in diameter, with 12-14 shiny petals, and rise above the water. Stamens in 3 rows, broadly dilated at the base without distinct appendages. Carpels club shaped, converging towards the centre of the flower. Fruit globose, maturing under the water. Seeds numerous, 2 mm long, blackish with spongy aril. Fl. & Fr.: August-January.

Nymphaea pubescens Medicinal uses:

❀ The flowers are taken internally in the treatment of palpitations
❀ Rootstock is used to treat dyspepsia, diarrhoea, piles, urinary ailments, cystitis, nephritis, enteritis, fevers, insomnia, jaundice, urinary troubles and haemorrhoids
❀ Flower acts as an aphrodisiac, blood purifier and is used to treat palpitation of the heart
❀ Seeds are used to treat diabetes

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