Cissus repanda - Wavy-leaved Cissus

Cissus rosea,Vitis repanda, Cissus glauca

Binomial Name : Cissus repanda Vahl
 Synonym : Cissus rosea,Vitis repanda, Cissus glauca
 Family : Vitaceae
 Common Name : Wavy-leaved Cissus
 Tamil Name : 
 Hindi Name : Pani bel, Dekarbela
 IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Cissus repanda Botanical Description

Scandent shrub; branches subterete, woody; young parts appressed-wooly, reddish; tendrils branched. Leaves suborbicular, sometimes 5-7 angled deeply cordate at base, dentate-serrate at margin, short-acuminate at apex, 10-20 x 7-15 cm, densely reddish appresed-wooly when young, glabrescent; petioles 3-7 cm long; stipules falcate, ca 5 x 2.5 mm, pubescent. Inflorescences lax subcorymbosely branched umbelled cymes, 5-11 cm long; peduncles 3-7 cm long, hairy. Flowers hairy; pedicels 3-4 mm long. Calyx cupular, obscurely 4-lobed. Petals ovate, ca 2 x 1 mm. Disc 4-lobed. Berries ellipsoid-pyriform, mucronate, 5-7 mm across, 1-seeded; Seed obovoid, smooth except for longitudinally encircling ridged raphe. Fl. &Fr.: February-April

Cissus repanda Medicinal uses

The leaves paste used to treat skin disease

Cissus repanda Photos

Cissus rosea,Vitis repanda, Cissus glauca

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