Cyphostemma setosum - Bristly Wild Grape

Cissus acida, Cissus setosus, Vitis setosa

Binomial Name : Cyphostemma setosum (Roxb.) Alston
 Synonym : Cissus acida, Cissus setosus, Vitis setosa
 Family : Vitaceae
 Common Name : Bristly Wild Grape
 Tamil Name : Pulipirandai, Sangugelari, Sugambal 
 Hindi Name : Harmal 
 IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Cyphostemma setosum Botanical Description

Succulent climbers clothed with setose hairs. Leaves 3-foliolate, rarely lower ones simple, fleshy, subsessile; leaflets shortly petiolate, elliptic, ovate to obovate, obtuse, rounded at base, strongly serrate, to 7 x 5 cm; lateral veins obscure. Cymes on short side-branches, lax, trichotomous; peduncle up to 3 cm. long, indumentum as for stems; pedicels up to 5 mm. long, pubescent and with capitate-glandular hairs; bracts and bracteoles c. 2 mm. long, linear, pubescent. Flower-bud c. 2•5 mm. long, oblong-cylindric, constricted near the middle, pilose or glabrescent. Calyx 0•5 mm. long, subentire, pilose. Ovary glabrous or with a few glands; style c. 1•5 mm. long; stigma indistinct. Berry ovate, densely setose, bright red when ripe, 1-seeded; seeds ovoid, deeply pitted and crenate on the margins. Fl. &Fr.: November.

Cyphostemma setosum Medicinal uses

The leaves are applied to ulcers to promote suppuration and to assist in the extraction of Guinea worms.

Cyphostemma setosum Photos

Cissus acida, Cissus setosus, Vitis setosa

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