Clausena anisata - Horsewood

Fagarastrum anisatum, Amyris inaequalis, Cookia anisata

❏ Binomial Name : Clausena anisata (Willd.) Hook.f. ex Benth.
❏ Synonym : Fagarastrum anisatum, Amyris inaequalis, Cookia anisata
❏ Family : Rutaceae
❏ Common Name : Horsewood
❏ Tamil Name : Kattu-veppilai
❏ Malayalam Name : Suganthaveppu
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Clausena anisata Botanical Description

Medium trees; young branchlets pubescent, Leaves odd pinnate, to 15 cm; leaflets opposite, 5 x 2.5 cm, ovate, elliptic, acuminate, base oblique, dentate. Racemes axillary, to 9 cm; pedicels 0.5 cm; bracts 2 mm; flowers white, 4-merous; calyx lobes 1 mm, ovate, pubescent; petals 4 x 2 mm, concave; stamens 8, free, filaments dialated below, unequal; anthers 2 mm; ovary 4 partite, style apical, furrowed, stigma 4-angled. Berry 8 mm across, globose.

Clausena anisata Medicinal uses

The fruits have a sweet taste and are eaten locally
 Leaf and root decoctions are taken for gastro-intestinal disorders, fever, pneumonia, headache, high blood pressure, sore throat, sinusitis, venereal diseases, aphrodisiac.
 Root decoctions and infusions are taken for whooping cough, malaria, syphilis and kidney ailments, irregular menses, threatening abortion, skin diseases and epilepsy, and given to women before and after parturition to ease delivery and to expel blood from the uterus, and later to boost milk production.
 Crushed leaves are used as an antiseptic and analgesic applied to open wounds, mouth infections, otitis and abscesses, also burns, hemorrhoids, rheumatism and general body pains. 
 A root decoction is taken to control convulsions in children and as a tonic by pregnant women

Clausena anisata Photos

Fagarastrum anisatum, Amyris inaequalis, Cookia anisata

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