Tribulus terrestris - Bullhead

Tribulus murex, Tribulus humifusus, Tribulus gussonii

Binomial Name : Tribulus terrestris L.
 Synonym : Tribulus murex, Tribulus humifusus, Tribulus gussonii
 Family : Zygophyllaceae
 Common Name : Bullhead, Goats Head, Devil´s-Weed
 Tamil Name : Nerinji mullu
 Hindi Name : Gokhru
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Tribulus terrestris Botanical Description

Prostrate silky herbs. Leaves opposite, imparipinnate; leaflets opposite, 4-5 pairs, 1.5 x 0.7 cm, oblong; petiole to 7 mm, petiolule 1 mm, stipules 2-3 in cluster,ff persistent. Flowers axillary, 1 or 2, golden yellow, 2 cm across; pedicels to 3 cm,; sepals 5, 5 mm, linear; petals 5, 7 x 4 mm; stamens 10, filaments dilated at base, disc 10-lobed; ovary 5-lobed, hirsute with bulbous hairs; stigmas 5. Fruit 1 cm across, globose, 5-angled, cocci 5, woody, each with a pair of divaricate spines. Fl. & Fr.: October-December.

Tribulus terrestris Medicinal uses

The young shoots and leaves can be boiled and used as a vegetable.
 The mature fruit paste are applied to cure swelling on the eyes.
 Roots and fruits are used for traditional medicines.
 Tribulus terrestris was used as a weapon by South African tribes. The thorny seeds were collected, dipped in poison and then placed on the ground waiting for rival tribes to step on.

Tribulus terrestris Photos

Tribulus murex, Tribulus humifusus, Tribulus gussonii

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