Dodonaea viscosa - Hopseed bush

Dodonaea bialata,Dodonaea eriocarpa,Dodonaea repanda

Binomial Name : Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq.
 Synonym : Dodonaea bialata,Dodonaea eriocarpa,Dodonaea repanda
 Family : Sapindaceae
 Common Name : Hopseed bush
 Tamil Name : Viraali
 Hindi Name : Sanatta
 IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Dodonaea viscosa Botanical Description

Shrubs to small sized trees, up to 4 m tall; branches terete, often angled; young parts scurfy puberulous. Leaves alternate, 1-8 x 0.2-1.5 cm, oblanceolate-obovate or broadly elliptic, subacute or shortly apiculate or sometimes notched, abruptly tapering towards the basal end, viscid, with shining yellowish resinous exudation. Inflorescence panicled cymes, up to 7 cm long, lateral nerves up to 35, looping. Flowers greenish yellow. Sepals oblong. Anthers oblong-linear. Capsules membranous, compressed, up to 1.5 cm long, notched at apex and base, 2-3-winged, 1-2-seeded; seeds black. Fl. &Fr.: January-May.

Dodonaea viscosa Medicinal uses

The leaves and young stems are anodyne, antipruritic, astringent, diaphoretic, febrifuge
 They are applied internally in the treatment of fevers, sore throats, digestive system disorders, including indigestion, ulcers, diarrhoea and constipation
 They are used to treat toothache, sore throats, wounds, skin rashes and stings.
❀ The leaves are apparently effective in the treatment of toothache if they are chewed without swallowing the juice.

Dodonaea viscosa Photos

Dodonaea bialata,Dodonaea eriocarpa,Dodonaea repanda

Dodonaea bialata,Dodonaea eriocarpa,Dodonaea repanda

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