Mangifera indica - Mango Tree

Mangifera amba, Mangifera sativa, Mangifera racemosa

Binomial Name : Mangifera indica L.
 Synonym : Mangifera amba, Mangifera sativa, Mangifera racemosa
 Family : Anacardiaceae
 Common Name : Mango Tree
 Tamil Name : Maa, Manga,Mamaram
 Hindi Name : Manako
 IUCN Status: Data Deficient

Mangifera indica Botanical Description

Evergreen trees, to 30 m high, bark 2-2.5 cm, dark grey, rough with vertical fissures; blaze yellow; exudation yellowish, gummy. Leaves simple, alternate, clustered at the tips of branchlets, estipulate; petiole 10-75 mm long, stout, glabrous, pulvinate; lamina 9.2-40 x 2.5-8 cm, elliptic, elliptic-lanceolate, linear-oblong, base attenuate or acute, apex acuminate, acute or obtusely acute, margin entire, glabrous, shiny, coriaceous; lateral nerves 14-28 pairs, pinnate, prominent; intercostae reticulate, prominent. Flowers polygamous, yellowish-green, in terminal panicles; pedicels jointed; bract deciduous; calyx 4-5 partite, ovate, imbricate, hairy without, cauducous; petals 4-5, oblong-obovate, subequal, nerves at base gland crested, free or adnate to the disc; disc fleshy, cupular, 4-5 lobed; stamens 4-5, inserted inside or on the disc, fertile stamens 1 or 2; filaments free, glabrous; staminodes gland-tipped; ovary sessile, superior, oblique, 1-celled, ovule pendulous; style lateral; stigma simple. Fruit a drupe, 5-15 cm long, oblong-reniform, compressed, yellowish-red, mesocarp fleshy, endocarp fibrous; seed subreniform. Fl. &Fr.: March – June.

Mangifera indica Medicinal uses

Fruit are edible and One of the most popular fruits in the world
 An infusion is drunk to reduce blood pressure and as a treatment for conditions such as angina, asthma, coughs and diabetes
 The bark Used in the treatment of haemorrhage, diarrhoea and throat problems
 The stem is astringent. It is used to treat diarrhoea and to remedy stomach-ache
 The fruit is antiscorbutic and antidysenteric.

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