Hibiscus micranthus - Tiny Hibiscus

Hibiscus pavoniformis,Hibiscus ovalifolius,Urena ovalifolia

❏ Binomial Name : Hibiscus micranthus L.f.
❏ Synonym : Hibiscus pavoniformis,Hibiscus ovalifolius,Urena ovalifolia
❏ Family : Malvaceae
❏ Common Name : Tiny Hibiscus
❏ Tamil Name : Sitraamutti, Pillai thenkai
❏ Hindi Name : 
❏ IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Hibiscus micranthus Botanical Description

An undershrubs; branchlets stellate, pubescent. Leaves 3-6.5 x 3-6 cm, broadly ovate, apex acute, shallowly 3-lobed, 5-nerved, dentate; petiole to 4 cm, pubescent, stipules linear, 8 mm. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicels to 3 cm, jointed below the flower, curved, bracteoles 6, 2 mm; calyx lobes 3 mm, ovate; petals 1 x 0.5 cm, oblong, white; staminal column 6 mm; anthers yellow, ovary 5 celled, styles branches 5, 2 mm. Capsule 5 mm, subglobose; seeds 3-4 in each cell, clothed with long silky hairs. Fl. & Fr.: December-April

Hibiscus micranthus Medicinal uses

❀ Leaves are crushed and applied on the head to reduce body heat.
❀ Leaves cooked and used as a vegetable

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