Thespesia populnea - Portia Tree

Hibiscus populifolius,Thespesia altissima,Malvaviscus populneus

Binomial Name : Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland. ex Correa
 Synonym : Hibiscus populifolius,Thespesia altissima,Malvaviscus populneus
 Family : Malvaceae
 Common Name : Portia tree,Indian tulip tree, False rosewood
 Tamil Name : Puvarasu
 Hindi Name : Paras-pipal, Gajadanda, Bhendi
 IUCN status: Least Concern

Thespesia populnea Botanical Description

Trees, to 15 m high, bark dark brown, glabrescent. Leaves long  petioled, orbicular to ovate, 9-14 X 11 cm, acute to acuminate, cordate, palmately  7-ribbed, Epicalyx lobes ovate- oblong.  Flowers bisexual, yellow, showy, solitary or in cymes, axillary or terminal; calyx cupular, minutely 5 toothed or 5-parted, accrescent and flattened in fruit, scaly outside, densely serious inside; corolla light yellow with dark purple centre, fading to purplish-pink, broadly campanulate; petals 5, 5-7.5 x 4-6 cm, obliquely obovate, narrowed and fleshy at base, rounded at apex, densely scaly outside, glabrous inside, ciliate at base, twisted; staminal tube 15-25 mm long, 5-toothed at apex; filaments ascending; anthers reniform; ovary superior, globose to ovoid, 5-celled, ovules 2-3 in each cell; style 3 cm long; stigma club shaped, 5-furrowed. Fruit a capsule, globose, indehiscent, depressed, scaly, ultimately glabrescent; seeds many, ovoid, channelled along the back, pubescent.

Thespesia populnea Medicinal uses

This plant useful in treating pleurisy, cholera, colic and high fevers.
 The fruit juice is used to treat herpes
 The crushed fruit is used in a treatment for urinary tract problems and abdominal swellings
 A decoction of the astringent bark is used to treat dysentery and haemorrhoids, and a maceration of it is drunk for colds
 The stem is employed in treating breast cancer
 Leaf and bark decoctions are taken as a remedy for high blood pressure

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