Erythroxylum monogynum - Bastard Sandal

Erythroxylum indicum, Sethia indica, Erythroxylum sideroxyloides

❏ Binomial Name : Erythroxylum monogynum Roxb.
❏ Synonym : Erythroxylum indicum, Sethia indica, Erythroxylum sideroxyloides
❏ Family : Erythroxylaceae
❏ Common Name : Bastard Sandal
❏ Tamil Name : Sembulichan, Devadara
❏ Hindi Name : 
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Erythroxylum monogynum Botanical Description

Small glabrous trees, to 7 m high; bark dark-brown, very rough, lenticellate; branchlets compressed. Leaves simple, alternate, rarely distichous; stipules intrapetiolar, on the arrested shoots imbricating; petioles 3-8 mm, slender, grooved above, glabrous, chartaceous; lamina 2-6.5 x 1-3 cm, obovate or oblanceolate, base attenuate or cuneate, apex obtuse, margin entire, lateral nerves 6-14 pairs, pinnate, slender, faint, intercostae reticulate, faint. Flowers bisexual, white, axillary, solitary or 1-4 in axillary fascicles; sepals 5-6, ovate, acute, glabrous; petals 5-6, white, oblong, with an erect double ligule on inner side, imbricate, stamens 10-12, monadelphous; ovary 3-4-celled, styles 3-4, united into a style with capitate stigmas; ovary superior, 3-4-celled, ovules 1-2 in each cell. Fruit a drupe, some what 3-angled, ellipsoid, apiculate, glabrous, reddish; seed one. Fl. & Fr.: Throughout the year.

Erythroxylum monogynum Medicinal uses

The aromatic leaves are stomachic, diuretic, diaphoretic.
 They are used for stomach upsets and fever.
 A paste made from the leaves is applied to wounds. 
 The leaf juice is given to treat jaundice, malaria and to kill intestinal worms. 
 The stem and the roots ashes and oil substance of the plant are applied to skin diseases and scabies.
 The oil from the seed is known to cure psoriasis.

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