Waltheria indica - Monkey Bush
❏ Binomial Name : Waltheria indica L.
❏ Synonym : Waltheria americana, Melochia corchorifolia, Waltheria elliptica
❏ Family : Malvaceae
❏ Common Name : Monkey Bush, Buff Coat, Velvet Leaf
❏ Tamil Name : Shengalipoondu
❏ Hindi Name : Uhaloa
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated
Waltheria indica Botanical Description
Erect, branching herbs or under shrubs; densely stellate-tomentose all over. Leaves 2-5 x 1-2.5 cm, elliptic-ovate to oblong, base cordate, margin serrate, apex rounded, venation impressed above and prominent beneath; petiole to 2.3 cm long. Flowers in axillary and terminal subsessile clusters. Calyx tube 2-4 mm long, campanulate; lobes 5. Petals 5, yellow, 4-5 mm long, obovate-obtuse. Stamens 5, connate below. Ovary villous, 1-celled; ovules 2; style c.1.5 mm long; stigma penicillate. Capsule 3-4 x 2 mm, obovoid, 2-valved, enclosed in calyx. Seed 1, c. 2 mm long, obovoid. Fl. & Fr.: October-January.
Waltheria indica Medicinal uses
❀ A decoction of the leafy stems is taken to relieve fevers, coughs, colds, bladder ailments, vaginal infections, hypertension, ulcers and as a remedy for haemoptysis.
❀ A decoction of the root is given as an antidiarrhoeal and general tonic to children
❀ A decoction of various plant parts is taken as a treatment for fever and syphilis
❀ It is applied externally on skin eruptions and wounds