Hugonia mystax - Climbing flax

Hugonia mystacina,Hugonia integerrima, Hugonia obovata

Binomial Name : Hugonia mystax L
 Synonym : Hugonia mystacina,Hugonia integerrima, Hugonia obovata
 Family : Linaceae
 Common Name : Climbing flax
 Tamil Name : Mothirakanni
 Hindi Name : 
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Hugonia mystax Botanical Description

Climbing shrubs; branches yellow-tomentose; branchlets short, horizontal with leaflets towards base. Leaves alternate, tapering at base, obtuse or subacute at apex, 3-8 x 1-3.5 cm, hairy on midnerve; lateral nerves prominent on both surfaces; petioles ca 4 mm long, hairy. Peduncles axillary, ca 1mm long, yellow tomentose; bracts subulate, ca 7 mm long. Flowers ca 2.5 cm across. Sepals imbricate, ovate-lanceolate, ca 7 x 3 mm, fulvous pubescent. Petals shortly unguiculate, ca 12 x 7 mm, unequal, twisted, yellow. Stamens 8-10 mm long, alternately long and short; anthers cordate-ovate, erect, 2-loculed, opening by 2-longitudinal clefts. Ovary globose, glabrous; ovules pendulous; styles ca 4 mm long; stigmas lobed. Drupes globose, ca 1 mm, surrounded by persistent scarlet sepals. Fl. & Fr.: August-October.

Hugonia mystax Medicinal uses

The root is powdered and used internally as a febrifuge and in the treatment of intestinal worms
Externally, it is used in reducing inflammatory swellings and as an antidote to snake bites

Hugonia mystax Photos

Hugonia mystacina,Hugonia integerrima, Hugonia obovata

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