Ziziphus oenoplia - Jackal Jujube
❏ Binomial Name : Ziziphus oenoplia (L.) Miller
❏ Synonym : Rhamnus oenopolia, Zizyphus oenoplia
❏ Family : Rhamnaceae
❏ Common Name : Jackal jujube
❏ Tamil Name : Suraimullu, Chooraimullu
❏ Hindi Name : Makoh, Makai, Makkay
❏ IUCN status : Not Evaluated
Ziziphus oenoplia Botanical Description
Scandent shrubs, thorns many, recurved, branchlets densely silky hairy. Leaves simple, alternate, 4-6.5 x 2-3 cm, ovate, apex acuminate, base oblique, 3 or 4 ribbed, densely fulvous hairy, sessile or shortly petioled. Flowers 3 mm across, shortly pedicelled, 6-20 in axillary clusters. Sepals triangular, hispid outside. Petals clawed, concave, greenish yellow; disk flat, glabrous. Drupe 6 x 6 mm, globose, black. Fl. &Fr.: Septermber – January.
Ziziphus oenoplia Medicinal uses
❀ The berries are edible and the bark is used for tanning❀ Ziziphus Oenoplia contains vulnerary property. It helps to heal the wounds.
❀ he roots are astringent bitter, anthelmintic, digestive and antiseptic. They are useful in hyperacidity, ascaris infection, stomachalgia and healing of wounds