Olax scandens - Parrot Olax

Drebbelia subarborescens, Roxburghia baccata, Olax bador

Binomial Name : Olax scandens Roxb. 
 Synonym : Drebbelia subarborescens, Roxburghia baccata, Olax bador 
 Family : Olacaceae
 Common Name : Parrot Olax
 Tamil Name : Kadaliranji
 Hindi Name : Dheniani
 IUCN status : Not Evaluated

Olax scandens Botanical Description

Tree with round, smooth, rather zigzag branches. Leaves chartaceous, glabrous above, puberulous beneath, obtuse at apex rounded at base, to 5.2 x 2 5 crn; petiole to 06 cm long, pubescent. Inflorescence of axillary racemes, shorter than leaves; bracts ovate-oblong, as long as pedicel, caducous Drupe to 1.8 cm, enclosed except at top by accrescent calyx. Fl. &Fr.: February-September.

Olax scandens Medicinal uses

Crushed leaves prepared in mustard oil are applied locally to treat joint pains. 
 The bark is used in anaemia and as a supporting drug in diabetes; also in the treatment of fever.

Olax scandens Photos

Drebbelia subarborescens, Roxburghia baccata, Olax bador

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