Cassia roxburghii - Red Cassia
❏ Binomial Name : Cassia roxburghii DC.
❏ Synonym : Cassia javanica,Cassia marginata, Cathartocarpus roxburghii
❏ Family : Leguminosae
❏ Common Name : Red Cassia
❏ Tamil Name :
❏ Hindi Name :
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated
Cassia roxburghii Botanical Description
Trees, to 15 m high, bark brown; branchlets velvety pubescent. Leaves paripinnate, alternate; stipules ovate, lateral, muriculate, cauducous; rachis 14-25 cm long, slender, pulvinate, pubescent; leaflets 16-30, subopposite, estipellate; petiolule to 2 mm, puberulent; lamina 1.5-4.5 x 1-2 cm, elliptic-oblong or ovate, base oblique or subacute, apex obtuse, retuse or mucronate, margin entire, glabrous above, puberulent beneath, coriaceous, lateral nerves10-16 pairs, slender, faint, intercostae reticulate. Flowers bisexual, flame coloured, 2.5 cm across, in axillary corymbose racemes to 8 cm; pedicels to 1 cm; calyx lobes 5, 4-7 mm, ovate, obtuse; petals 5, 1.5-2 cm, pink to rose, turning yellow or orange, ovate- oblong, concave, pubescent without, clawed; stamens 10, the lower 3 filaments 2.5-3 cm long, curved; others shorter; upper 3 short with reduced filaments and anthers; 4-medium with erect filaments; ovary half inferior, stipitate, 2 cm, pubescent, ovules many; style to 6 mm. Fruit a pod, 20-30 x 2 cm long, oblong, terete, torulose, black, indehiscent; seeds many, transverse, imbedded in dry pith. Fl. &Fr.: February-May