Stylosanthes fruticosa - Shrubby Pencil Flower

Arachis fruticosa,Hedysarum hamatum,Stylosanthes mucronata

Binomial Name : Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alston
 Synonym : Arachis fruticosa,Hedysarum hamatum,Stylosanthes mucronata 
 Family : Leguminosae
 Common Name : Shrubby Pencil Flower
 Tamil Name : 
 Hindi Name : 
 IUCN Status : Not Evaluated

Stylosanthes fruticosa Botanical Description

Procumbent herbs or undershrubs; root-stock woody. Stem, peduncles and pedicels loosely villous. Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets 8-20 x 2.5-5 mm, oblong-elliptic or linear-lanceolate, acute at base and apex, mucronate at tip, pubescent on both sides, ciliate on margins; nerves parallel and close; stipules 8-13 mm long, lanceolate, adnate to base of petiole, sheathing, villous without. Flowers yellow 3-5 in terminal heads; bracts and bracteoles 0.8-1.2 cm long, linear-lanceolate, densely hairy. Calyx lobes 2-4 mm long, densely brown hairy. Petals yellow, 4-6 mm long. Stamens monadelphous. Ovary 2-3 mm long, suborbicular, woolly; style filiform. Pods 5-8 mm long, monoiliform, 1or 2-articulate; articles pilose, reticulate, fully enclosed in calyx, beak curved. Seeds c. 2.5 mm long, reniform.
Fl. &Fr.: September-January.

Stylosanthes fruticosa Medicinal uses

Decoction of leaves,about a cup,is taken twice a day for malarial fever till cure
 Infusion of leaves,about a cup, is advised twice a day for pregnant women for seven days for smooth delivery
 Jucice of leaf, about half cup, is given immediately after snake bite.
 Treatment for Blood Disorders

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