Rhynchosia aurea - Golden Flowered Snoutbean
❏ Binomial Name : Rhynchosia aurea (Willd.) DC.
❏ Synonym : Glycine aurea, Nomismia aurea, Rhynchosia elongata
❏ Family : Leguminosae
❏ Common Name : Golden Flowered Snoutbean
❏ Tamil Name : Kattuk Kol
❏ Hindi Name : kulata
❏ IUCN status : Not Evaluated
Rhynchosia aurea Botanical Description
Slender trailing annual herb, leaves pinnately trfoliate, leaflets obovate to rhomboidal up to 5 cm long, pubescent on both surfaces. aceme to 3 cm long, 6-10-flowered; bracts ovate. Flowers are yellow. calyx up to 15 mm long, teeth 3-4 times as long as tube, bristly, lowest longest. Pods are spherical, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, 2-seeded. Fl. &Fr.: December-March.