Phyllanthus pinnatus - Lebombo potato bush

Phyllanthus pinnatus - Lebombo potato bush

Binomial Name : Phyllanthus pinnatus (Wight) G.L.Webster.
 Synonym : Chorisandra pinnata,Cluytiandra schinzii,Phyllanthus senensis
 Family : Phyllanthaceae
 Common Name : Lebombo potato-bush
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Phyllanthus pinnatus Botanical Description

Subshrubs; stem densely strigose, reddish. Leaves to 22 x 10 mm, obliquely oblong, acute at both ends, apiculate, reticulate below, hispid above and below; stipules lanceolate. Female pedicel 1.5 cm long, axillary, solitary, slender; sepals 5, 4 x 2.5 mm, ovate, acute, hispid; ovary densely hairy; styles 3, deeply bifid. Male sepals similar to female sepals; stamens 4, filaments combined into a column. Capsule densely covered with branched hairs. Fl. &Fr.: November-April.

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