Phyllanthus reticulatus - Black honey Shrub

Phyllanthus reticulatus - Black-honey Shrub

Binomial Name : Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir.
 Synonym : Anisonema reticulatum,Cicca reticulata,Kirganelia reticulata
 Family : Phyllanthaceae
 Common Name : Black-honey Shrub
 Tamil Name : Karu-nelli,Inki pazham
 Hindi Name : Panjuli
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Phyllanthus reticulatus Botanical Description

Shrubs, pubescent, stem cyllindrical, matured stem blackish-brown, green in young; leaves alternate, pubescent, ovate-elliptic, margin entire, apex and base obtuse, lamina 2-2.5 x 1-1.5 cm, adaxially green, abaxially glaucous, 5-7 pairs of lateral veins; petiole 0.2-0.4 cm long, pubescent; stipule brown, 0.1 cm; inflorescence axillary cyme, male flowers clustered, female flower solitary, sometimes both mixed; male flower ca. 0.6 cm long, pubescent, pedicel 0.3 cm long, light yellow; calyx 5, ca. 0.15 cm, pink and white colouration, outer 2 is smaller in size; glands 5 at the base of stamen, yellow; stamens 5, anther brown, filament light-green; female flower 0.3 cm, pubescent, distinct ovary; calyx 5, 0.1 cm, persistant; style 6-9 tip, brown, connate at base; capsule orbicular, ca. 0.8 cm diameter, black on matured, pedicel 0.2 cm; seeds upto 20, trigonous, matured seeds greensh-yellow, shiny. Fl. &Fr.: August-December.

Phyllanthus reticulatus Medicinal uses

The twigs are used as chew-sticks and toothbrushes. A black dye is obtained from ripe fruit and black ink also can be made from ripe fruit. A decoction of the stem and leaves is used as a mordant and also for dyeing cotton black. A soup made of the leaves, boiled with palm fruits, is given to woman after child-birth.
 The Sap from the stem is blown into the eyes to cure soreness
 The powdered leaves are combined with cubebs and camphor then made into tablets that can be sucked in order to treat bleeding gums
 The leaves and bark are reputed to be diuretic and cooling
 A decoction of the root, combined with the leaf-sap, is used as an antispastic

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