Plumbago zeylanica - Ceylon leadwort

Plumbago zeylanica - Ceylon leadwort

Binomial Name : Plumbago zeylanica L.
 Synonym : Findlaya alba,Molubda scandens,Plumbago scandens
 Family : Plumbaginaceae
 Common Name : Ceylon leadwort
 Tamil Name : Chittiramoolam
 Hindi Name : Chitrak, Chita
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Plumbago zeylanica Botanical Description

Erect subshrubs, sometimes subscandent; stem striate. Leaves 3-7 x 1.7-3.2 cm, ovate or elliptic-ovate, base shortly and abruptly attenuated into a short petiole, apex acute or subacute, somewhat glaucous beneath; petiole c. 1 cm long, amplexicaul at base and often auriculate. Flowers white, in elongate, terminal, often panicled racemes; rachis with sessile glands; bracteoles ovate, acuminate. Calyx 8-12 mm long, narrowly tubular, densely covered with stalked glands; lobes small. Corolla 1-1.6 cm across; tube c. 1.5 cm long; lobes obovate-oblong. Stamens 5; filaments c. 1.5 cm long. Ovary ellipsoid, 1-locular; stigma 5-fid. Capsule oblong, acute with 5 furrows. Fl. &Fr.:  November-March.

Plumbago zeylanica Medicinal uses

A paste made from the root is used as a pain killer.
 The leaves of this herb work well for treating laryngitis, rheumatism, diseases of the spleen, ring worm, scabies, and it acts as an aphrodisiac. 
 A tincture of the root bark is used as an anti-periodic.

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