Scoparia dulcis - Sweet broom weed
❏ Binomial Name : Scoparia dulcis L.
❏ Synonym : Ambulia micrantha,Gratiola micrantha,Scoparia ternata
❏ Family : Plantaginacea
❏ Common Name : Sweet broom weed
❏ Tamil Name : Sarakkotthini
❏ Hindi Name : Mithi Patti
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated
Scoparia dulcis Botanical Description
Erect annual or perennial herbs. Leaves decussate to whorled, 1-3 x 0.5-1.5 cm, obovate-oblong, base attenuate, margin crenate-serrate, apex acute, penninerved, punctate, chartaceous; petiole to 0.7 cm long. Flowers axillary, solitary or 2; pedicels slender 4-7 mm long. Calyx lobes 2-3 mm, ovate-oblong, ciliate along margin. Corolla white 4-6 mm long, rotate, throat densely hairy, lobes spathulate. Stamens 4, subequal, 3-4 mm long. Ovary globose, 2-celled; ovules many; stigma truncate. Capsules 1-2 mm across, globose. Seeds 4-angled, reticulate. Fl. &Fr.: Throughout the year.
Scoparia dulcis Medicinal uses
❀ Tender leaves are chewed, and are used as vegetable. It is considered highly medicinal specially for diabetic patient
❀ A decoction of the plant is drunk as a treatment for remittent fever and gonorrhoea, and also to induce labour
❀ A cold decoction of the plant is taken as a remedy for gravel and kidney complaints
❀ The leaves are macerated in warm water and drunk copiously when cooled in the treatment of feverish headaches