Passiflora foetida - Stinking Passion flower

Passiflora foetida - Stinking Passion flower

Binomial Name : Passiflora foetida L.
 Synonym : Tripsilina foetida,Passiflora obscura,Dysosmia ciliata
 Family : Passifloraceae
 Common Name : Stinking Passion flower
 Tamil Name : Poonaipiduku
 Hindi Name : Jhumka Lata
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Passiflora foetida Botanical Description

A vine with densely hispid branchlets. Leaves usually 3-5-lobed to halfway, suborbicular -ovate, appressed glandular-pubescent, base cordate, margin subentire to ciliate, apex acute; stipules sub-reniform, deeply cleft into glandular processes. Flowers about 4 cm across, axillary, often solitary; bract and bracteoles 2-3 cm, deeply pinnateisect, glandular -pubescent. Calyx tube short, saucer shaped, lobes ovate-lanceolate. Petals slightly shorter than the calyx lobes. Androgynophore 4-6 mm. Ovary globose. Fruit berry, subglobose, approximately 4 cm across. Fl. &Fr.: November-February.

Passiflora foetida Medicinal uses

Pulp of the ripe fruit is eaten; it can also be taken as "shorbet"
 The fresh, whole plant is boiled and the liquid used as a children's anthelmintic, for intestinal nematodes and flatworms
 A decoction of the dried plant is drunk to treat colds and chest coughs
 The leaves are crushed in water and the solution drunk as an antidote to the bite of the Papuan Black Snake

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