Pupalia lappacea - Forest Burr

Pupalia lappacea - Forest Burr

Binomial Name : Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss.
 Synonym : Achyranthes lappacea,Pupalia atropurpurea
 Family : Amaranthaceae
 Common Name : Forest Burr
 Tamil Name : Adai otti
 Hindi Name : Undho Bhurat
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Pupalia lappacea Botanical Description

Straggling herbs, stem densely hispid. Leaves 2-5 x 2-3 cm, obovate, apex obtuse, fulvous tomentose; petiole to 1 cm long. Spike 15-25 cm long, terminal, usually unbranched. Flowers sterile and fertile together in distant clusters; bracts 3 mm across, orbicular; bracteoles smaller; tepals 5, 5 x 2 mm, elliptic, acute, densely covered with hooked bristles, woody; stamens 5, filaments united into short tube at base; ovary obovoid, compressed, style simple, stigma capitate. Achenes 2 x 2 mm, biconvex, brown, smooth. Fl. &Fr.: September-November.

Pupalia lappacea Medicinal uses

The leaves are antitussive, diuretic and febrifuge
 The leaves are used in an enema to treat constipation
 The leaves are also used in topical applications to treat cuts
 A decoction is applied in frictions to treat oedema of the legs
 The crushed seeds are considered to be a good remedy for infected sores and phagodenic ulcers

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