Pergularia daemia - Pergularia
❏ Synonym : Asclepias daemia,Daemia extensa,Cynanchum extensum,Pergularia extensa
❏ Family : Apocynacaeae
❏ Common Name : Pergularia
❏ Tamil Name : Vaelipparuthi
❏ Hindi Name : Aakasan, Sagovani, Gadaria Ki Bel
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated
Pergularia daemia Botanical Description
Pubescent twiner. Leaves to 10 x 8 cm, ovate, caudate-acuminate, base deeply cordate; nerves 4-5 pairs; petiole to 6 cm long. Flowers creamy, 1.5 cm across, in branched cymes, peduncles to 12 cm long, pedicels to 2-3 cm long, slender; sepals short, hispid; corolla campanulate, tube villous at mouth, lobes 0.5 x 0.4 cm, ovate, acute, pubescent; outer corona 2 mm high, membranous, shallowly lobed, lobes emarginate, inner corona lobes vermiform, incurved, winged, 8 mm high. Follicle 6 x 1.5 cm, lanceolate, acuminate, covered with hooked glochidiate bristles. Fl. &Fr.: December-June.
Pergularia daemia Medicinal uses
❀ Leaves cooked and eaten, for cold and joint pain especially for the elders.
❀The leaves and young stems are considered aperitive, anthelmintic, expectorant, emetic and emmenagogue
❀ The crushed leaves, or sometimes the crushed young fruits, are applied externally to boils, abscesses, subcutaneous worm infections and eczema
❀ The latex is applied to sore eyes and aching teeth, is used as a liniment to treat rheumatism, asthma and oedema, and to combat abscesses and snakebites and remove thorns from the skin
❀A root decoction is taken to treat venereal diseases, arthritis, muscular pain, asthma and rheumatism
❀ Powder from roasted roots or leaves is applied to wounds