Ricinus communis - Castor

Ricinus communis - Castor

Binomial Name : Ricinus communis L.
 Synonym : Ricinus angulatus,Cataputia minor,Ricinus urens
 Family : Euphorbiaceae
 Common Name : Castor
 Tamil Name : Amanakku,Kottaimuttu
 Hindi Name : Arandi
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Ricinus communis Botanical Description

Monoecious, branched glaucous shrubs. Leaves alternate, palmately 6-8-lobed, peltate, to 20 x 24 cm; lobes 9-15 x 3-6 cm, lanceolate, margin coarsely serrate, apex acuminate; petiole to 18 cm long. Flowers in terminal paniculate racemes, pale yellow; male flowers below, female ones above. Male flowers: perianth cupular, 3-5-lobed, c. 4 mm long, lanceolate; stamens many, filaments connate, repeatedly branched. Female flowers: tepals 5, subequal, c. 5 mm long, lanceolate; ovary globose, 3-locular, echinate; ovule 1-per locule; styles 3, papillose. Capsule 1.6-2 cm across, 3-lobed, prickly. Seeds oblong, smooth, marbled, carunculate. Fl. &Fr.: May-June.

Ricinus communis Medicinal uses

A decoction of the leaves and roots is antitussive, discutient and expectorant
 The leaves are used as a poultice to relieve headaches and treat boils
 The oil from the seed is a very well-known laxative that has been widely used for over 2,000 years

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