Plumeria alba - White Frangipani
❏ Synonym : Plumeria alba var. jacquiniana,Plumeria revolutifolia
❏ Family : Apocynacaeae
❏ Common Name : White Frangipani
❏ Tamil Name : Nela sampangi
❏ Hindi Name : Golenchi
❏ IUCN status: Not Evaluated
Plumeria alba Botanical Description:
Deciduous trees, to 10 m high. Leaves simple, alternate spiral, clustered; latex milky, estipulate; petiole 6-8 cm long, stout, glabrous; lamina 20-43 x 7-10 cm, obovate-spathulate, base cuneate, apex acuminate or acute, margin entire, glabrous, subcoriaceous; lateral nerves to 40 pairs, parallel, prominent, intercostae scalariform. Flowers bisexual, in terminal corymbose stout cymes; calyx cupular, 3 mm; lobes 5, subequal, round, obtuse; corolla 4-5 cm across, pink or cream with yellow centre; tube 2 cm, expanded from above the middle; lobes 5, obovate, overlapping to the left, obtuse; stamens 5, attached at the base of the tube, included; ovary 2 mm, globose; ovules many; stigma 2-lobed, subsessile. Fruit an aggregate of 2 follicle, to 25 x 4 cm, pustulate; seeds winged. Fl. &Fr.: November-April
Plumeria alba Medicinal uses
❀ The flowers are bitter and caustic. They are an ingredient in a complex pectoral syrup for treating chest coughs and grippe
❀ The seeds are used in the treatment of dysentery (bloody flux)
❀ The root bark is used externally as a lotion on syphilitic ulcers, administered as powder macerated in sugar-water, wine or beer