Rotala fimbriata - Fringed Flower Rotala

Rotala fimbriata - Fringed Flower Rotala

Binomial Name : Rotala fimbriata Wight.
 Synonym : Ammannia pentandra var. fimbriata
 Family : Lythraceae
 Common Name : Fringed Flower Rotala 
 IUCN status: Least Concern

Rotala fimbriata Botanical Description

Amphibious annual herbs, stems creeping and rooting below, erect above, up to 50 cm tall, simple or branched, weakly 4-angled. Leaves decussate, sessile, lanceolate to oblong, 1-3 cm long, obtuse at apex; lower leaves cuneate to cordate at base; upper leaves cordate or auriculate at base. Bracts like upper leaves. bracteoles acute-triangular to subulate, usually somewhat less than 1 mm long. Flowers monomorphic, sessile, solitary in axils of leaf-like bracts. Calyx tube campanulate, 2-2.5 mm long, disintegrating in fruit; calyx lobes 5 or rarely 6, deltate, ca 0.5 mm long; calyx appendages absent; interjected folds rudimentary. Petals 5 or rarely 6, pinnately divided into linear segments, 2-3 mm long, bright pink, showy. Stamens 5 or rarely 6; filaments 3-3.5 mm long, attached to base of calyx tube thus appearing free; anthers exserted, born level with the stigma, deep brown before dehiscence. Ovary ellipsoid; style ca 2 mm long, exserted; stigma capitate. Capsule elongate-ellipsoid, 3 mm long, opening by 3 valves; seeds semi-ellipsoidal, 1.5 mm long. Fl. &Fr.: September – January.

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