Spermacoce pusilla - Tiny False Buttonweed

Spermacoce pusilla - Tiny False Buttonweed

Binomial Name : Spermacoce pusilla Wall.
 Synonym : Bigelovia pusilla,Borreria roxburghiana,Borreria rosea
 Family : Rubiaceae
 Common Name : Tiny False Buttonweed
 IUCN status: Not Evaluated

Spermacoce pusilla Botanical Description

Herbs, to 30 cm high, stems glabrous. Leaves to 5 x 0.7 cm, lanceolate, acuminate, thinly scabrid, sessile; stipule cupular, 6-7-teethed, teeth 7 mm long, glabrous. Flowers many, in dense axillary clusters; calyx lobes 4, acuminate, glabrous; corolla 2 mm long, white, lobes spreading. Capsule 2 x 1.5 mm, ovoid, scabrid above. Fl. &Fr.: October-November.

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